Online Courses for High School Students at Stanford

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Online courses for high school students at Stanford offer their enrollees the chance to expand their knowledge via web education.


These courses are for students from the seventh up to the 12th grade. Most of these programs offer flexible options for applicants. Because the students are studying at home, discipline and self mastery will be required.


The major subjects are science, mathematics, humanities, core courses and English. There are several disciplines in each course. Disciplines in core courses include Methodology of Science: Biology, history of science, democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. In English, disciplines include fundamentals of expository writing, history & literature. There are also subjects on textual analysis and argumentation, AP English literature and composition.

Humanities offer a lot of subjects including AP music theory, film art, sound and composition. Their history course includes topics about US history and geography, history & literature: world civilizations to 1600 and the Age of Revolutions, 1765-1804. There are also courses on AP world history and AP United States history.

More Courses

Those interested in mathematics can choose from several categories. Among them are number theory, partial differential equations, real analysis and modern algebra. Advanced courses include complex analysis, multivariable integral calculus and linear algebra.

In computer science students can take up C programming, C: algorithms and techniques and AP computer science. High school students may also study economics and various science courses, including physics.


High school students can choose from an Application for a Specific Course or a General Application. General Application is for courses that are part or full-time. They have to enroll in three or six courses.

Applying in a specific course permits students to enroll in a single course. This has to be specified in the application form. By taking this application, students will be admitted to just that course in Stanford. Students have to undergo another application form if they want to take another course.

Other Information

Students must learn how to manage time while studying on the web. Online courses are every bit as challenging as a regular course. Additional subjects are on philosophy, political theory and chemistry. They can also work on critical reading and argumentation and the Rule of Law.

Online courses for high school students at Stanford give people several study options. They have the option of studying everything on the web. Or they can get their diploma via a traditional / distance learning class.



