Online Courses for Physics Education

Because the subject often requires hands-on work, there are only a few online courses for physics education available. But the ones that are there are of high quality and informative.


Science courses on the Internet come in different forms. Some are paired with a masters degree while others are coupled with educational studies. There are courses that offer degrees in general studies on the sciences.

In some Internet based schools, you have to choose a concentration with a physics subject being one of them. These schools offer thorough explanations of modern physics, Einsteinian relativity, the photoelectric effect, wave–particle duality and other related subjects.

Completing the Course

In most Internet schools, physics concentration can be completed with 36 credits. By the time the student graduates, they will be familiar with the concepts of quantitative problem solving, classical physics, gravitational lensing, the Franck–Hertz experiment and many others. After the course is finished, the student can proceed to a higher degree program or get a job related to the degree.

State Colleges

There are only a few state colleges that offer online courses for physics education. But those that do can get a masters science degree in different branches of physics. Most of the time, the course and lectures are presented on the Internet. This setup allows students to interact with fellow students and professors.

Apart from being self spaced, these classes also offer info on quantum mechanics, beam physics, particle accelerators and nonlinear beam dynamics. Most state colleges offer options to take campus classes or finish their Ph.D.

But there are also Internet courses that instruct you to become a physics instructor. Many of these courses are designed for people who want to teach physics to high school students. Usually, 121 competency units are required. These units are the same as credits.

Other Information

Physics has many branches. Some of the other subjects that you will come across online are light and sound, heat and related subjects like magnetism, heat, optics and mechanics. However, you should realize that websites have different features. The high end classes provide interaction and live streaming of video lessons. Others just consist of archived lessons taken from their classroom.

While the number of physics degrees on the Internet is still quite low, they are expected to go up. The advancements in science and technology are expected to drive up the demand for scientists and other experts in the field.


