Online Courses for Statistics

It’s not surprising anymore to find students having a hard time with their lessons in Statistics. But just as there are students who find it hard to cope with their lessons in Statistics, there are also students who excel in it.

So maybe you don’t know what Biostatistics is or that you have no clue as to how to apply Statistics in the real world; you have nothing to worry about.

In a matter of a few intensive courses, you will soon be an expert in Statistics – or at the very least, you won’t be lost in a maze of data and analyses.

Online Courses for Statistics

There are basic Statistics courses offered online and there are likewise those that teach the various areas of Statistics – in a more detailed and extensive curriculum. Usually, there are pre-determined schedules for online courses for Statistics especially for the more advanced courses.

Specific courses on Statistics that are offered by schools online teach you the various areas of this subject area to help you with data mining and analysis, among other things.

Courses include: Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies, Intermediate Biostatistics: Analysis of Discrete Data, Intro to Mathematical Finance, Paradigms for Computing with Data, Modern Applied Statistics, and Statistical Models and Methods for Risk Management and Surveillance.

Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies will introduce you to financial analysis and trading techniques with the use of various methodologies of statistics; while Intermediate Biostatistics on Analysis of Discrete Data teaches you how to analyze data using various statistical studies and testing tools.

Paradigms for Computing with Data meanwhile will teach you all about modern strategies for data computing while also learning about the connections among various data computing systems and environments.

More information about the online courses mentioned above are available directly from the online schools that provide them.

You can also find out about how much the courses cost, how long it will take you to complete the courses, who designed the curricula and who will be your instructors straight from the school’s website.

Free Online Courses for Statistics

On the other hand, if you do not need a comprehensive and extensive course but just a few helpful courses to provide you with basic information about Statistics, you should look at free courses which are also available online.

The free Statistics courses online include Introduction to Probability and Statistics which gives you a beginner’s intro to probability and statistics; and Statistics for Applications which helps you with testing hypotheses, chi-square tests and variances.

You should know that the free courses online are non-credit courses and these are generally for undergraduate studies.


