Online Courses for K-12

Online courses for K-12 are offered by several universities. The vast number of degree programs on the Internet has made the program even more popular and affordable.


The subjects will vary depending on the class. The major universities offer more than one K 12 program. Most of them offer special and general education classes for teachers and students.

In fact, several schools and colleges in the US have as many as a dozen education courses on the subject. This means the programs have a wide range. Some courses are short, taking only a month to finish. These accelerated programs will cost more than the average. But they do shorten the time it takes to complete a degree. For students, there are advisors and instructors provided. This will help them get through the entire program.

Other areas of specialty are available. Many universities have master’s degree programs for teachers online. Aside from primary and secondary education, other subjects can be pursued. The choices include adult education/training, administration and supervision and instruction reading. Additional courses are teacher leadership, secondary teacher education and elementary-school, early-childhood education.


For instance, you will find that some of these programs offer certification for reading and autism. Special programs are also available for teachers who prefer field work. Those who want to advance in their career can also take up a master’s degree. There are also courses for teachers with no experience. Few of these programs can be completed on the web. These courses are offered by universities. In many cases you have to attend their campus.

Other Information

Before enrolling in one of these K 12 education classes, examine the admission policies. Most allow online applications. Credit transfers, financial aids and other aspects should be reviewed too.

Several universities accept credits from different institutions. The process is not the same for these courses though. You should check the website for more information.

Not all these programs offer certifications for their students. Also keep in mind that some programs are general in nature. You should go these areas before enrolling. For educators studying a master’s degree, this will give them the opportunity to advance their career.

Online courses for K-12 have several more features aside from those mentioned. Applicants should go over the programs offered by different schools to make a fair comparison. If you still have questions, you can email the school. The information is provided in the “Contact Us” section of the website.


